1. Writing SEO Optimized Titles
If you are asked to work on only one Onpage SEO factor, this is the biggest Onpage SEO Factor you should pay special attention to. When writing your page titles, you should make sure you are including targeted keyword towards the beginning of your title. You should restrict your title within 65 to 70 characters only (including spaces). You should write a Title copy that people will find interesting enough to be clicked as that will help you get CTR in search engine result pages. If people don’t like your title content, they won’t click your website listing in search engine results even if you are rankings on top for your targeted keywords.
2. Write Engaging Meta Description
It’s very true, your meta description copy does not play any role in your website search engine rankings. But most of time, Google used to show up meta description data as part of your website listing description in search result pages. So writing a good meta description copy could help you get more clicks to your website even if your website is placed below your competitor website in search engine result pages.
3. Keyword Density
Keyword density is all about repeating the targeted keywords in your website contents. Keyword density is calculated on the basis of total number of times a keyword is used your web page content and divide it by total number of words in that page content. And then multiply the result with 100 to get your keyword density percentage. Suppose the targeted keyword Onpage SEO Factors is used 8 timers in page content and the total word count in that page is 400 words. So the keyword density for Onpage SEO Factors keyword in that web page will be 2%. Ideally you should try to limit your keyword density to 2 percent only.
4. Image Naming Convention
Your image names should be created keeping in your targeted keyword in mind. Apart from using your targeted keyword as part of image, you should add alternative text with each image used on your website pages. Again it will be beneficial if you could include your targeted keyword as part of your alternative text.
5. Linking to Trusted Domains
Then it’s about linking out to trusted domains only. Google maintains TrustRank for each website, which is calculated on the bases of whom you are linking and what kind of websites are linking to you. So whenever you link to external websites, make sure you link to websites and blogs having good TrustRank in the eyes of Google.
Linking out to your own website pages will help those pages better search engine rankings and high page rank value. When linking out to external websites, you need to make sure you are linking to high authority websites only.
6. Canonical URL’s
Canonicalization is all about deciding whether we want to use www version or non www version for your website home and internal pages. We need to be consistence with that and should go with only one version and later should be directed to the first. And when linking to our website pages, we should link using the preferred version. Suppose you have decided to use www version for your website pages, in this case, all non www version should be automatically redirect to their www versions. And when getting links for our website, we should make sure we are using www with our website URL’s.
7. Write High Quality Unique Contents
It should be considered as one of most important Onpage SEO Services Factor. When writing contents for your website, you need to make sure you are delivering high quality contents only and not copying all or fractions of your website contents from other popular websites and blogs on Internet. If you are doing so, you are making a blunder. After latest algorithmic change from Google in the form of Panda Update, Google has been very strict against use of duplicate or low value added contents. In the recent times, Google has lowered down the search engine rankings of lots of popular websites as they were delivering scrapped contents.
8. Use your Robots.txt file Smartly
We used to create a robots.txt file in your website root folder. Robots.txt file is basically used to block certain kind of content types from our website being indexed in search engines. We can use this file to block certain files, certain folders and specific URL patterns being crawled in search engines. With each websites, there will certain content type that we don’t want to show to search engines. And we fulfill that motive through robots.txt file.
9. Adding Contents on Frequent Basis
With this, you need to make sure you update your website with fresh contents on regular basis. Search engines love those websites that are updated on daily or weekly (at least) basis. So if you are running a website around certain products or services, you won’t see many changes in your products level. So what you can do is start writing blogs on your website around your products, services or things related to your niche that your website readers would be interested in reading about.
10. Cross Browser Compatibility
You need to make sure that your website is compatible with the most used versions of all modern browsers including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera and Netscape etc. Optimizing your website for these browsers will send pleasing experience for your website readers in browsers of their choice.
If you are running a WordPress based blog, you can give a try to EasyWPSEO plugin. Easy WP SEO plugin uses 23 onpage optimization factors while helping you optimize your blog contents.
Onpage SEO is an ongoing process and thus you should keep on making changes to website at various levels. You cannot get top rankings in search engines without taking care of above Onpage SEO factors. So spend some time making the suggested changes on your website home and internal pages and wait for the new changes to be index in Google and other search engines. Once your latest Onpage SEO changes are indexed in search engines database, you may notice changes in your website rankings for its targeted keywords.
If you are asked to work on only one Onpage SEO factor, this is the biggest Onpage SEO Factor you should pay special attention to. When writing your page titles, you should make sure you are including targeted keyword towards the beginning of your title. You should restrict your title within 65 to 70 characters only (including spaces). You should write a Title copy that people will find interesting enough to be clicked as that will help you get CTR in search engine result pages. If people don’t like your title content, they won’t click your website listing in search engine results even if you are rankings on top for your targeted keywords.
2. Write Engaging Meta Description
It’s very true, your meta description copy does not play any role in your website search engine rankings. But most of time, Google used to show up meta description data as part of your website listing description in search result pages. So writing a good meta description copy could help you get more clicks to your website even if your website is placed below your competitor website in search engine result pages.
3. Keyword Density
Keyword density is all about repeating the targeted keywords in your website contents. Keyword density is calculated on the basis of total number of times a keyword is used your web page content and divide it by total number of words in that page content. And then multiply the result with 100 to get your keyword density percentage. Suppose the targeted keyword Onpage SEO Factors is used 8 timers in page content and the total word count in that page is 400 words. So the keyword density for Onpage SEO Factors keyword in that web page will be 2%. Ideally you should try to limit your keyword density to 2 percent only.
4. Image Naming Convention
Your image names should be created keeping in your targeted keyword in mind. Apart from using your targeted keyword as part of image, you should add alternative text with each image used on your website pages. Again it will be beneficial if you could include your targeted keyword as part of your alternative text.
5. Linking to Trusted Domains
Then it’s about linking out to trusted domains only. Google maintains TrustRank for each website, which is calculated on the bases of whom you are linking and what kind of websites are linking to you. So whenever you link to external websites, make sure you link to websites and blogs having good TrustRank in the eyes of Google.
Linking out to your own website pages will help those pages better search engine rankings and high page rank value. When linking out to external websites, you need to make sure you are linking to high authority websites only.
6. Canonical URL’s
Canonicalization is all about deciding whether we want to use www version or non www version for your website home and internal pages. We need to be consistence with that and should go with only one version and later should be directed to the first. And when linking to our website pages, we should link using the preferred version. Suppose you have decided to use www version for your website pages, in this case, all non www version should be automatically redirect to their www versions. And when getting links for our website, we should make sure we are using www with our website URL’s.
7. Write High Quality Unique Contents
It should be considered as one of most important Onpage SEO Services Factor. When writing contents for your website, you need to make sure you are delivering high quality contents only and not copying all or fractions of your website contents from other popular websites and blogs on Internet. If you are doing so, you are making a blunder. After latest algorithmic change from Google in the form of Panda Update, Google has been very strict against use of duplicate or low value added contents. In the recent times, Google has lowered down the search engine rankings of lots of popular websites as they were delivering scrapped contents.
8. Use your Robots.txt file Smartly
We used to create a robots.txt file in your website root folder. Robots.txt file is basically used to block certain kind of content types from our website being indexed in search engines. We can use this file to block certain files, certain folders and specific URL patterns being crawled in search engines. With each websites, there will certain content type that we don’t want to show to search engines. And we fulfill that motive through robots.txt file.
9. Adding Contents on Frequent Basis
With this, you need to make sure you update your website with fresh contents on regular basis. Search engines love those websites that are updated on daily or weekly (at least) basis. So if you are running a website around certain products or services, you won’t see many changes in your products level. So what you can do is start writing blogs on your website around your products, services or things related to your niche that your website readers would be interested in reading about.
10. Cross Browser Compatibility
You need to make sure that your website is compatible with the most used versions of all modern browsers including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera and Netscape etc. Optimizing your website for these browsers will send pleasing experience for your website readers in browsers of their choice.
If you are running a WordPress based blog, you can give a try to EasyWPSEO plugin. Easy WP SEO plugin uses 23 onpage optimization factors while helping you optimize your blog contents.
Onpage SEO is an ongoing process and thus you should keep on making changes to website at various levels. You cannot get top rankings in search engines without taking care of above Onpage SEO factors. So spend some time making the suggested changes on your website home and internal pages and wait for the new changes to be index in Google and other search engines. Once your latest Onpage SEO changes are indexed in search engines database, you may notice changes in your website rankings for its targeted keywords.
Thank you for sharing awesome tips for SEO Google organic ranking. Looking forward for your next post.
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